Daisy Cam

Docking Arm camera solution for Astroscale:

Fall 2022- Spring 2023

DAISy Cam is a Senior Projects design team that was tasked with developing a camera mounting system for one of Astroscale’s LEXI satellites.

This life extension satellite has four deployable docking arms that each have their own camera system, which we were tasked with designing.

This was quite a complex project, as our team of 10 would be tackling software, electrical, and mechanical design challenges to deliver a functional model to the client.

Presentation Slide Show:


Early Kinematic Verification test:

On this team, the mechanical design co-lead. My work mainly consisted of developing the gearbox and drive system for our arm model as well as manufacturing most of the physical arm itself.


Enscape Renderings


“LRAD” Acoustic device